left-arrow Back Terms of Service 1. Introduction

Welcome to pyShip. By using the pyShip application, you agree to adhere to and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

2. Effective Date

These Terms and Conditions are effective from the moment you begin using the pyShip application.

3. Perpetual Software License with Termination Rights

The pyShip Software License allows you to acquire pyShip software through a one-time purchase, granting you indefinite access to its full range of features. This license is tailored for independent creators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses, enabling you to develop engaging web pages and online portfolios. This license provides a straightforward, one-time payment arrangement, eliminating the need for recurring fees or subscriptions. However, the licensor retains the right to terminate the license at any time, without prior notice or conditions. This provision ensures the licensor's control over software distribution and use. By purchasing the pyShip Software License, you accept these terms, including the licensor's right to terminate the license as needed to address unforeseen situations.

4. Refund Policy

Given the digital nature of the pyShip software, refunds or exchanges are not available once access has been granted.

5. Disclaimer

pyShip does not guarantee that the software will meet your needs or operate without interruptions or errors. All express and implied warranties or conditions not explicitly stated in this Agreement (such as loss of profits, data corruption, business interruptions, or contract losses) are excluded and disclaimed to the fullest extent allowed by law. This Agreement does not impact your statutory rights.

6. Warranties and Limited Liability

pyShip makes no guarantees regarding the software's quality, fitness for a particular purpose, or other attributes. pyShip will not be liable for any claims, including loss of profits, indirect, special, or consequential damages, arising from the use of the software, even if caused by pyShip's negligence. pyShip will not be held liable for any delays or failures in performance if these are caused by circumstances beyond its control. Should pyShip be found liable for any breach of this Agreement, its liability is limited to the amount you paid for the services or software. You agree to release pyShip from any claims exceeding this limit.

7. User Responsibilities

pyShip is not liable for user-generated content or the actions taken with such content by users.

8. Price Adjustments

As pyShip evolves and its offerings expand, prices may increase. Discounts are offered to help you secure the current rate and avoid future price hikes.

9. Governing Law and General Terms

This Agreement is governed by United States law. Your use of pyShip does not establish any joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship with pyShip. You agree not to present yourself as a representative or employee of pyShip and acknowledge that pyShip is not liable for any actions or omissions on your part.